Snoring Cures – Other ways to stop snoring

CPAP snoring cure

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machine attempt to cure snoring by supplying a constant stream of air.

Many snorers will have tried a whole range of ways to try to stop their snoring before coming to us. There is a vast range of snoring cures and devices available, ranging from the elaborately sci-fi to the downright alarming. Most of these have their benefits, and some will have a genuine effect on the volume or regularity of snoring. Which are the best snoring cures available, and which stop snoring devices are a simply stab in the dark?

Among the most common home stop snoring devices available off the pharmacy shelf include snoring strips, snoring pillows and even snoring rings. A snoring ring is an unobtrusive ring worn on the finger in bed. Designed to have two pressure points that act upon acupressure points, the snoring ring is designed to reduce the noise of snoring. It is not designed to cure snoring, or help the wearer. This is the same with the other favourite first attempt to cure snoring; the snoring strip. Worn across the nose, snoring strips are designed to open the nasal cavity, allowing air to escape along a wider channel, causing less vibration. The snoring strip and the snoring ring are the most common ‘first-try’ snoring cures for many snorers, and are very rarely the last. This is because they attempt to treat a symptom, not a cause. Though their low price is an attractive plus, the value for money is less easy to prove. A year’s supply of nasal strips, of worn nightly, amounts to some $600.

There are other low cost, off the shelf stop snoring devices (some of which you might not believe), including a pipe that is inserted into the nose, called a nasal dilator, herbal sprays and even audio books. The low cost of these potentially makes them worth a try, though colloquial evidence suggests that they can make you snore more gently!

High Intervention Snoring Cures

One of the most commonly suggested stop snoring devices for those that are ‘serious’ about tackling the issue is the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Machine. Costing thousands of dollars, CPAP machines can be very effective. They work by supplying a constant stream of pressurised air via a face mask, preventing the closing of the airway, thereby preventing snoring. The CPAP machine can work very well when it is worn as intended. However it is not uncommon for people to stop wearing their CPAP , purely due to the inconvenience and discomfort.

The final alternative is anti -snoring surgery. Surgery is considered by many to be an absolute last resort and before it can be considered, the patient must have proved that other alternatives have been tried (and failed). Doctors themselves will usually prescribe other alternatives before considering this option. Surgery costs thousands of dollars, and uses laser assisted uvulopalatoplasty to remove excess tissue from the throat. Alternatively, radiofrequency palatoplasty can be used to strengthen the soft palate.

The Best Stop Snoring Device?

Some of the more popular ‘off the shelf’ solutions can reduce the noise of snoring for a short while, but usually have no long term effect. Simply put, because they are not trying to cure snoring, they are trying, with limited success, to make the effect of snoring more bearable. No other ‘off the shelf’ product on the market combines comfort, convenience, durability, long term low cost and guaranteed effectiveness like Snorepro.

CPAP and surgery are both very expensive remedies and neither are easy options. On the other hand, a Snorepro will provide a quiet, restful and healthy night’s sleep. Snoring will stop from the very first night. Snorepro will last you six or seven years, and in some cases ten or more. Duplicate or replacements devices are provided at an even more cost effective rate with actual prices likely to vary from one location to another.

Designed for the 25% of women who snore and the 75% of women who get woken by snoring!